Beyond Money: There’s No Medium Partner Program in Your Country

Mehul Kothari
4 min readDec 30, 2023


When I embarked on my writing journey on Medium around March or April, the concept of a partner program was entirely foreign to me. My sole motivation was to write, share knowledge, and perhaps attract clients who resonated with my writing style.

Imagine my sheer surprise and joy when I stumbled upon the revelation that I could get paid for people reading my work.

Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? It certainly was for me. At that point, I had around 68 followers. Eager to explore this newfound opportunity, I promptly navigated to the program’s page to understand the requirements.

A hundred followers? Totally achievable.

Payment? Uh-oh. Disappointment

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Here’s where I encountered a formidable obstacle — Stripe wasn’t available in my country. The reality hit hard, and I couldn’t envision it changing anytime soon, at least not within the year.

I won’t deny feeling a pang of disappointment. The prospect of earning from my writing seemed momentarily out of reach.

But, let me be clear — this setback didn’t deter me to the point of considering giving up on writing. After all, I had commenced this journey without any monetary incentives, and my passion for writing was unwavering. I realized that the essence of my writing went beyond financial rewards, and I was determined to continue this journey, irrespective of the challenges.

In the vast landscape of online content creation, many aspiring writers might find themselves discouraged when they discover that certain platforms, such as the Medium Partner Program, are unavailable in their country. While monetization is undoubtedly a significant motivation for blogging, there are myriad other reasons why aspiring writers should not be disheartened.

In this article, we'll explore why writing a blog is not just about money and why it remains a valuable pursuit even without the prospect of financial rewards.

Personal Growth and Expression:

  • Writing a blog can be a powerful form of self-expression. It provides a platform to share your thoughts, experiences, and unique perspectives with the world. The act of articulating your ideas helps clarify your thinking, fostering personal growth and development.

Building a Personal Brand:

  • Regardless of monetary incentives, a blog can serve as a powerful tool for building your brand. It establishes you as an authority in your field, making you more visible to potential employers, collaborators, or like-minded individuals. Over time, a well-crafted blog can become a central hub for your online identity.

Connecting with a Community:

  • Blogging is not a solitary activity; it's a means of joining a global community of writers and readers. Engaging with your audience and fellow bloggers can lead to meaningful connections, discussions, and collaborations. The sense of community can be incredibly rewarding, providing support and encouragement that goes beyond financial gains.

Skill Development:

  • Writing consistently for a blog hones various skills, such as research, communication, and digital marketing. It's a practical way to improve your writing style and experiment with different forms of content creation. These skills are transferable and can enhance your professional toolkit.

Sharing Knowledge and Impacting Others:

  • Your blog has the potential to make a positive impact on others. Whether you share insights from your professional expertise, personal experiences, or in-depth research, your words have the power to educate, inspire, and resonate with readers around the world. The satisfaction of knowing you've contributed to someone else's understanding or growth is priceless.

Documenting Your Journey:

  • A blog serves as a living record of your journey, both personal and professional. It becomes a timeline of your growth, documenting the challenges you've overcome and the lessons you've learned. This retrospective view can be personally rewarding and may inspire others facing similar challenges.

Make Clients:

  • A blog can be a powerful marketing tool. By showcasing your expertise and knowledge in your field, you can attract potential clients. Whether you offer services as a consultant, freelancer, or entrepreneur, your blog serves as a portfolio that demonstrates your skills and builds trust with potential clients.

Sell Your Own Course:

  • If you have expertise in a particular subject, your blog can be a platform to sell your own online courses. Create valuable content that establishes your authority, and then offer in-depth courses or workshops to your audience. This not only generates income but also positions you as an educator in your niche.

Affiliate Marketing:

  • Even without a platform's built-in monetization program, you can explore affiliate marketing. Promote products or services related to your blog's niche, and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate links. Be transparent with your audience about your affiliations to maintain trust.


While the absence of a monetization program like the Medium Partner Program in your country may seem like a setback, it's important to recognize that the true value of blogging extends far beyond financial gains. Writing a blog is a holistic experience that nurtures personal growth, fosters community, builds skills, and leaves a lasting impact on both the writer and their audience. So, if you find yourself in a region without certain monetization opportunities, remember that your words have the power to transcend borders and make a meaningful impact on the world. Embrace the journey, and let your blog be a testament to the richness of your thoughts and experiences.



Mehul Kothari

Mean stack and Full stack Developer. Open to work as freelancer for designing and developing websites.